Grant Recipients
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2024 Grant Recipients
T.N. Howe Grant
$5,750 Greenfield Chamber Revitalization Match
$2,500 Boy Scouts for Grand Theater Facade Improvement
$2,235 Fitness Center for after school program
$1,015 Girls Scouts for STEAM printer for NV Elementary
Youth Programming Grant
$1,000 Greenfield Golf & Country Club for youth golf program
$1,350 Adair Co. Extension/Outreach summer activity/camp programs
$3,660 Adair Co. Health & Fitness Center for summer programs
$1,490 Sunshine Day Care for outdoor & indoor activities
2021 Grant Recipients
T.N. Howe Grant
$2,000 - Greenfield Boy Scouts on behalf of the Grand Theater to provide free holiday movies
$1,000 - Summit Super Stars 4-H Club on the behalf of the Adair County Fair for new speakers
$1,500 Adair County Fitness Center to help with youth programs: gymnastics program, youth track meet, and activities for youth at the summer's Farmer's Market
$2,000 NV Champions 4-H Club on behalf of the Greenfield Public Library for summer programming and monthly activity bags
$9,000 - Greenfield Chamber Main Street for a new community website
Greenfield Girl Scouts to the Adair County chapter of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Youth Programming Grant
$750 to Adair County Extension Youth Outreach for gardening/healthy eating workshops
$2,994 to the Nodaway Valley School PE program for equipment
$3,755 to the Adair County Health and Fitness Center for summer day camps
Adair County Extension Youth Outreach receive a check from Jennifer Garside for gardening and healthy eating workshops
The Greater Greenfield Community Foundation has been awarding T.N Howe Grants since 2007. The list of projects supported is long, but see highlights below:
Adair Public Health freezer for COVID-19 vaccines
Clover Kids pandemic community outreach bags
Nodaway Valley Band new instruments
Nodaway Valley Girls' Basketball team to host elementary and middle school clinics
Nodaway Valley Elementary playground
All the new equipment at the Greenfield City Park
Nodaway Valley Archery Program equipment
Adair County Health Foundation anesthesia delivery unit
Adair County Health Foundation high low radiology table
Adair County Fitness Center camps, clinics, craft club, youth equipment over many years
Nodaway Valley anti-bully assembly
Various field trips for Nodaway Valley events
We have been a sponsor of several things from trips to equipment for scout projects.
We have funded many needs for Chamber/Main Street, Community Development Corporation, Warren Cultural Center, and Adair County Health Foundation that benefits the Adair County Hospital.